Quality Street Ranked: From Worst To Best Chocolates

When it comes to Christmas treats, the family sharing a box or two of chocolates is a tradition everyone loves.
One of the nation's favourite tubs is Quality Street. A tub of chocolates fit for a king! There's 11 fun sized treats, all with a variety of tastes and flavours.
But which is the best, and which is the worst?
Here's every quality street ranked. The worst to the best of the 12 chocolates you'll find in your box of Quality Street this year.

12. Coconut Éclair
Who's idea was it to put coconut in a Christmas box? Whoever it was, they must have been having a laugh.
The Coconut Eclair ranks in 12th place, aka last.

11. Toffee Finger
When you see that stick in the tub and you know it's not great. That's the toffee finger.
It's that chocolate that you leave until last, because it's just not all that great. It ranks at 11th.

10. Toffee Deluxe
Almost the best of the toffee is the Toffee Deluxe.
Coming in at 10th place, it's a nice enough piece of chocolate. But it doesn't seem to hit any of the senses so well.

9. Toffee Penny
The best of the toffee selection has to be the toffee penny. It comes in 9th place, and is the best of all the toffees.
It's as simple as a piece of toffee. Nothing more, nothing less.

8. Orange Crunch
Not from the original line up, so it doesn't live so highly on the list. It's the orange crunch.
It's a kind of crunchy chocolate, with a super orange taste. Not one of the best, but tasty enough. It's in 8th place.

7. Caramel Swirl
The first showing of a soft centre is the caramel swirl. There's something about the caramel which just doesn't work in this one.
Caramel covered in chocolate comes in 7th.

6. Green Triangle
The mysterious green triangle, what's inside? Well it's a chocolate and praline truffle kind of style, and it just works.
This is one of the classics because of it's shape, and comes in at 7th place.

5. Chocolate Block
If you're only after a piece of chocolate, the Chocolate block, or choc block is Quality Street's answer.
You'll see the block in the green wrapper and know what it is. A bit of chocolate, nothing more, nothing less.

4. Fudge
You can't beat a bit of fudge at Christmas, which is why the pink wrapped fudge comes in at a respectable 4th place.

3. Orange Cream
You just can't beat a soft centre, and that's what the Orange Cream is all about.
It ranks 3rd on the list, and is all about that soft, tangy orange fondant wrapped in a dark chocolate coating.

2. The Purple One
The large purple wrapped sweet is known as The Purple One. It's ranked at number 2.
The chocolate filled with caramel comes with a hazelnut in the centre. It's a favourite of many, but is just pipped to number 1 spot.

1. Strawberry Delight
There has to be a soft centre at number one, and the strawberry delight is ranked the best chocolate in Quality Street.
You'll find this delight in a dark red wrapper. It's a soft gooey strawberry flavoured fondant, inside a dark chocolate.
The dark chocolate and strawberry filling work so well together. It's the tastiest of all the chocolates you'll find in a box or tub of Quality Street.
And there you have it! Quality Street ranked from best to worst. Which is your favourite from the box?
When you're eating you have to make sure you wearing one of our Christmas t shirts. You'll look the part this festive season.

What about your other favourite Christmas Chocolates? Find out how they rank below.
Make sure you check out some Christmas T Shirts too, which are almost as full of festive cheer as a box of chocolates are!