
Welcome to our Help Information Hub.

Here is the place where you will hopefully find what you are looking for. There is information and links to all the key parts to our website, so if its contact details, privacy policies or account information you will find it here.

  • FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions Probably the first stop if you have any questions is the FAQ page. Here we answer the questions we have the most.
  • Delivery Information Go here if you would like to find out anything about shipping and delivery. Find out our current rates, where we ship to, and how long it takes for delivery.
  • Returns If you need any information on returns or exchanges you can find it on this page.
  • Contact Us If you have to get into contact with us, you will find our contact details on this page.
  • Privacy Policy Our privacy policy can be found here
  • Size Guide It is important that you buy the correct size so you get your order right first time. Our size guide will help you pick the right size for your order.
  • T Shirt Pictures If you want to see some live shots of our t-shirts on people, visit the t shirt model page. You will see some of our t-shirts on real people.
  • Custom Printing FAQ - All the information you could need for custom printed t-shirts and personalised t-shirts.
  • Want something special? Why not get a custom t shirt If you would like a t shirt which we do not currently have on offer, why not create your own by purchasing a custom t shirt. We can print any slogan you like, in over 1000 different fonts and styles. Get any colour print which we stock, and you can also get graphics printed, including custom graphics. We also offer FREE mock-up services, and will work with you to get your design perfect.
  • Order your hen and stag party t shirts from us, we offer bulk discount That's right! If you want to order t-shirts in bulk for any occasion we can help. If you need hen party t shirts, stag party t shirts, or tees in bulk in general we have you covered. Many people think "bulk" is over 100 pieces, that's not true with us! We can offer discounts on tees if you order 10, and if not then you will still get our regular price for a custom tee, which is very competitive. We also use our normal standard tees for custom orders, some companies use cheaper tees for stag and hens, we do NOT do this! You will get the same great quality t-shirt for a hen party as you would if you order one of our standard slogan tees. As with all our custom t shirt services we can offer you a free mock-up, so you can see what your t shirt will look like before you purchase. We also want to give you the t-shirt you want, so will design it with you, we have over 1000 styles of writing in many colours available, with all areas of the shirt being able to be printed on, front, back, breast, its your day, have the t-shirt the way you want it.
  • Terms - Here you will find our terms along with cookie and privacy policy