Funny Ways To Break The Ice In A T Shirt

Breaking the ice can be scary and intimidating, mostly because you don't know where to start the conversation.
Well why not break the ice with a T-shirt!? Sounds like a pretty good idea to us.
We always hear that girls like a good sense of humour, and we can get that across with something as simple as a slogan T-shirt.
We've already taken a look at T Shirts which do the talking, and if it's the first time you're meeting someone, we've got some brilliant ways of breaking the ice, which will set the mood.
Why Is Breaking The Ice So Difficult?
Breaking the ice can be a difficult thing to do, it all comes down to your personality, and usually how outgoing you are.
Social anxiety can come into play, or just being anxious when it comes to dealing with girls, what do you say and how should you act may be questions you ask yourself.
Then there's what she thinks. It's a bad habit to over do it, but then the opposite is not a good idea either, not doing enough.
Not understanding body signals is another reason. It can be such a hard thing to read, but you can learn this over time.
One of the other reasons is not having the motivation to actually go and break the ice. You have to want to do it, which is the first hurdle, and then the rest will hopefully follow.
Quick Tips To Break The Ice
There's plenty of pretty quick tips and tricks to break the ice. Here's just a few to get you started.
- Make Eye Contact - Probably the first move you can make is without speaking at all. It's the easiest thing and the first step you should take, make eye contact with the girl.
- Introduce Yourself - You could try introducing yourself, although this can be slightly intimidating. A better first step could be...
- Ask a question - This could be asking for something such as a straw, a menu, or something else wherever you happen to be.
- Make a statement - If asking a question is not the way you want to go, making a simple statement could be another way to kick start a conversation. I love the food in here could be a good start, you'll get a response and you can take it from there.
- Don't Come On Too Strong - You don't want to come on too strong, or be too confident, it could end up making you look cocky.
- Don't Use Cheesy Lines - Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't, but it shouldn't be what you use at the jump; Save those for later if you think it's the kind of girl who would find them funny. (Tip: Check out our worst chat up lines ever so you know what NOT to say!)
- Listen - If you don't like to talk much, you can say a lot by saying nothing and just listening to what she has to say.
- Stick to light topics - You don't want to talk about extreme issues or politics in the first two minutes, that can put people off, especially if you have differing views.
- Be Happy & Positive - You should present yourself in a happy and positive manner, and not negative and miserable.
- Keep her engaged - It's tough, but once you have a bit of a conversation going, you have to try to keep it up. Ask more questions, get opinions or talk just a little bit more.
Break The Ice With T Shirts
It's one of the hardest thing to do, especially if you're a shy guy. We're talking about breaking the ice with a girl.
You're a cool guy, good sense of humour and have a personality, but you have to make that step and start a conversation with a girl.
What do you say? Well these T-shirts will help you out with everything you need to say.
Kind People Are My Kinda People T Shirt
Something which everyone loves is kindness, and what better way to show your a kind positive person than with our Kind People Are My Kinda People T Shirt. It immediately gives off a good vibe and it will be known you're a good guy.
Socially Awkward T Shirt
It's something we all probably deal with every now and then, we're talking about being socially awkward. This slogan tee will break the ice, and let everyone know you feel just the same way they do, and there's no need to fear.
Boyfriend Material T Shirt
The most cheesy slogan we've printed on a T Shirt? Possibly! This is our Feel This Shirt, You Know What It's Made Of? Boyfriend Material.
It's definitely a quote which is going to get people smiling, and a good conversation starter if you meet someone with that good sense of humour.
Girls Break The Ice With Lads
It's not just girls which like a good sense of humour, lads do too. It's a bit sceptical to think that it's just a pretty face that a man wants, if a girl doesn't have the personality, sooner or later the guy will loose interest.
A great quality is a girl who can laugh at herself, so let's see some tops which can pull off this look.
Here Comes Trouble T Shirt
A funny playful message to send out to guys is Here Comes Trouble. This quote will be instantly recognisable, and will break the ice nice and gently as a conversation starter.
Gosh Being A Princess Is Exhausting
What man doesn't want his own queen? And you can let him know how special you really are wearing this design.
The sarcastic Gosh Being A Princess Is Exhausting top is a funny take on girls looking for their prince charming. If he finds his adorable, he's the guy for you.
Sorry I'm Very Awkward Sorry
Are you a bit of an awkward person? Don't worry, you're not alone! This Sorry I'm Awkward Sorry T Shirt is totally relatable, and will get the conversation moving.
Do Not Read The Next Sentence
A funny little joke that will make people smile as soon as they read this on your shirt. Do Not Read The Next Sentence T Shirt comes with the sub line, you little rebel, I like you.
It's something which will make people chuckle as soon as they've got to that line.
And there you have it, a few T Shirts with printed messages, quotes and slogan to help you break the ice with someone.
Whether you're a man or woman, it's a really fun and easy way to release the tension, and people will know that you're a fun loving kind of person up for a laugh.