20 Sarcastic Quotes About Friends That Are Hilarious!

Friends, we've all got them, and we all love them. The best thing about having friends is that you can say absolutely anything about them, and they'll still love you.
The art of conversation among friends is all about the sarcasm. We've got our Sarcastic T Shirts that everyone loves, and you can tell how much of a friend you have, with how much sarcasm you have with them.
Here's the best sarcastic quotes about friends that you'll find hilarious! They're all relatable, and you and your best mates will love these.

Friends buy you food. Best friends eat your food.
Good friends don't let their friends do stupid stuff alone.
Never let you best friends get lonely. Keep annoying them.
I love my phone because all my friends live inside it.
Friends come and go but enemies remain and build up.
True friends don't just each other. They judge other people together.
If you have crazy friends you have everything that you'll ever need.
Good friends are like stars. You can't always see them, but you'll know that they're there.
You and I aren't friends. We are our own small gang.
When our phones fall we panic. When our friends fall, we laugh.
So I changed my Facebook name to benefits. So when you add me it says: You are friends with benefits.
Best friends know how stupid and crazy you are, but will still be seen in public with you.
A true friend: Someone who asks for your advice, and does the complete opposite.
When I said how stupid you can be, it wasn't a challenge.
You suck less than most people.
Friends are like boobs. Some are big. Some are small. Some are real. Some are fake.
A friend will help you up when you fall down. A best friend will laugh at you so much they'll fall down too.
Everybody has the right to be stupid. But you're abusing the privilege.
Friends cheer you up with comforting words. Best friends cheer you up with sarcasm.
Real friends don't get offended when you insult them. They smile, and call you something even more offensive.
And there you have it, 20 sarcastic quotes about friends. Share these with your besties and they'll find them really funny.
Which quote sums up your friendship the most? There's so many to choose from.